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    北京中医药大学论文 关于北京中医药大学论文范文参考资料|论文参考资料

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    摘 要:本文选取北京中医药大学2004-2011年间的博士学位论文160篇作为研究样本,对其所引用的28 621篇参考文献进行了分析与统计.结果表明,北京中医药大学2004-2011年间的博士学位论文的参考文献类型有期刊、专著、学位论文、会议论文、网络资料、资料汇编、专利、实验资料,以及技术说明书等;参考文献语种主要为中文和英文;参考文献最早的发表时间,中文期刊为1960年,中文专著为1919年,外文期刊为1944年,外文专著为1913年,中医药古籍为1468年(明朝);2004-2011年间的博士学位论文的年篇均参考文献量在138.75~206.25之间,而8年的篇均参考文献量为178.88.研究结果可作为一般中医药教学部门评估中医药博士学位论文作者的信息素养水平,以及一般中医药专业图书馆制定信息资源建设和信息服务工作对策的参考.


    doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-5707.2014.01.006

    Investigation and Analysis of the Literature Reference in the Literature Cited Section of the Doctoral Dissertations from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine

    Lv Xiaoyan1, Song Yilun1*, Liang Yongxuan1, Liu Hong1, Wang Limin1, Shi Xuehong1, Chen Jianqing2, Zhang Xiaomei2

    (1. Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Library, Beijing 100029, China; 2. The Medical Library of Chinese PLA, Beijing 100039, China)

    Abstract: The aim of the paper is to analyze and summarize the literature references in the literature cited section of 160 doctoral dissertations from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine during 2004-2011 based on the publication type, publication language, publication time and number of the literature cited. The results of the study showed that the publication types of the literature reference included periodicals, monographs, academic dissertations, conference proceedings, network information, information collection, patents, experiment data, and technical descriptions; The publication languages were mainly Chinese and English; The earliest periodical in Chinese was published in 1960, the earliest monograph was published in 1919, the earliest periodical in foreign language was published in 1944, the earliest monograph in foreign language was published in 1913, whereas the earliest classic in Chinese was published in the Ming Dynasty; And the yearly erage numbers of literature cited per dissertation during 2004-2011 was between 138.75~206.25, whereas the erage number of literature cited per dissertation in 8 years was 178.88. The results can be used as a reference for general Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) education institutions to evaluate the level of information literacy of Chinese medicine Ph.D. thesis author, and provide strategy of the construction of information resources and information service for the general TCM libraries.

    Key words: doctoral dissertation; citation; information literacy; literature resource construction; information service 在现今已高度信息化的社会中,信息素养和信息服务是两个不可回避的主题.信息素养是生活在信息化社会所必须具备的素质,它能使人们意识到什么时候需要信息,以及为解决所面临的问题怎样查找、筛选并有效地利用各种信息.尽管获取信息的途径很多,但在科研、教育及其它学术机构工作和学习的人员,仍然把访问图书馆视为最可靠的信息获取途径,图书馆也就承担着不可或缺的信息服务职责.图书馆信息服务职责的履行,主要依靠其******的各种介质的信息资源.因此,人们非常重视图书馆的信息资源(包括传统意义上的馆藏)建设,陆续开展了很多相关的调查研究,以期加强或改善图书馆的信息资源建设,使图书馆更好地履行其信息服务的职责.









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